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Your tv show happens to be full description which large your birthday celebration is definitely Oct 31st 2000 and most people know me as Swee_tarys and the love-making series happens to be public and Spanish/Ingles is really what we talk. My home is Medelln and I have actually 4282 fans being good I have been here for some time, my own age is definitely 21 yrs previous.

Hi guys, I am your sex doll, and I am waiting for your desires.
As you can see on my profile picture and on my twitter (link on my profile), I’m a young black girl in her twenties.
I’m deliberately vague about my age.
If you want to know more about me, just ask me in the chat, and it’s free.
I broadcast on this ebony cam because I would like to be an actress of films for adults.
I have already made some short clips that we put on pornhub, but it is not paid much.
I would like to go to the United States and do a casting for porn videos.
I’ve had some offers for webcams, but I’m not sure if it was something serious.
Even though I’m young, I’ve already tried my hand at porn videos, and I’m learning about the methods of the porn industry in the US.
But in the meantime, I’m on my ebony webcam to make you cum and be gantil with me (hi hi).
Tell me what would make you happy, and also tell me how you would like to fuck. Make me wet my panties by telling me your fantasies.

Hola chicos, soy vuestra muñeca sexual, y estoy esperando vuestros deseos.
Como puedes ver en mi foto de perfil y en mi twitter (enlace en mi perfil), soy una joven negra de veintipocos años.
Estoy siendo deliberadamente impreciso sobre mi edad.
Si quieres saber más sobre mí, pregúntame en el chat, y es gratis.
Estoy transmitiendo en esta webcam de ébano porque me gustaría ser una actriz de cine para adultos.

Date: November 22, 2021